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Brisbane Based Dental Laboratory
& CAD/CAM Milling and 3D-Printing Centre
(07) 3463 0887
Innovative Biocompatible Solutions

100% Australian Made
CAD/CAM Milling Centre

Swiss Dental Australia is the largest milling centre in Queensland operating four milling machines and 3D-printer in two shifts day and night.
Swiss Dental Australia is milling Zirconia, Emax, Enamic, Suprinity, Empress, Peek, PMMA and Wax from any STL-file.
Our milling centre is certified by Ivoclar Vivadent Australia.

In-house 3D-printing with the thinnest possible layering thickness of 16µ in dental applications that are TGA-approved.
The 3D-printing is essential in the all-digital workflow in the production of crown and bridges and orthodontic and removable appliances as well.

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